Enough of critiques! I have a new post up on Patheos that looks at how Pagan spirituality is a corrective to serious blind spots in much Christian and secular thinking about people and the world.… Read more
The Pagan community neeeds to repudiate libertarianism as it currently exists
Libertarians argue North Dakota is America’s freest state and in doing so rebut themselves
The libertarian Mercatus Center at George Mason University has just released a report arguing that North Dakota is the freest state in the union while New York is the least free, followed by California in 49th place. Even … Read more
Understanding Wilderness
Starbucks and Capitalism vs. the Market
In my post “Capitalism vs. the market” I argued that while when the market was subordinate to civil society it was a source for enhancing human liberty, when it became independent of, and even worse, superior to civil society … Read more
Pagan religion as a nature religion
Over at Witches and Pagans a right wing Pagan published a piece claiming to show that Pagan religion is not a nature religion. I have shown him to be mistaken.… Read more
The anniversary of the Iraq War: let us never forget
New post up on Witches and Pagans
To Save Freedom it is Necessary to Destroy It: the right wing plot against our country
Radio interview on our new book criticizing libertarianism
Along with its editor, Georgia Kelly, I am in a radio interview discussing our new book of essays criticizing libertarian ideology. It’s short, as these things usually are, but hopefully will make our book sound like something you will want … Read more