America’s culture warriors are not fascists. In its various guises European fascism, like their Communist opponents, was collectivist. In Germany the collective was the ‘Aryan race’ and in Italy it was the Italian nation whereas in Russia it was the … Read more
A brief overview of the Vietnam Protest Movement
A Brief Overview of the Civil Rights Movement
Dixie: America’s First Counter Culture
Imposing Masculine Monotheism
Transcendental masculine monotheism did not come easily to the people whose descendents now practice exclusively monotheistic faiths. Describing the Divine in feminine terms has occurred in virtually every culture on every continent and in every civilization. Everywhere in the world … Read more
Understanding Democracy, part I: Democracies are not states
Sunday I joined some Bay Area libertarians for dinner and conversation at a Chinese restaurant in Berkeley. I had been invited as a result of one reading my chapter on libertarianism in Uncivil Liberties: Deconstructing Libertarianism. At his request … Read more
The Silence of the Earth
Why do modern societies find the Earth a largely silent backdrop to human affairs while non-literate ones in particular did not? On Earth Day I published a piece over at Witches and Pagans that explored David Abram’s take on the … Read more
What Libertarians can add to American life – if they take the time to understand their principles
David Abram’s Becoming Animal: one of the most important environmental books of our time
When David Abram’s Becoming Animal first came out I published a review on Beliefnet. The Alliance for Wild Ethics later linked to my review in their own descriptions of the book. Since then I left Beliefnet and they have not … Read more