Witches and Pagans now has Part III of my essay on liberalism, conservatism, their intellectual and moral collapse and what spiritualities of immanence might be able to do to revitalize them. If you wonder why liberals are so weak and … Read more
Category: Politics
Understanding Liberalism and Conservativism: the value of Pagan insights for both
Part II of my essay on Liberalism and Conservatism is now up at Witches and Pagans. In Part II I argue that both liberalism and conservatism have difficulties in creating a coherent outlook that Pagan insights help to heal.… Read more
Understanding Conservatism and Liberalism
A Pagan perspective on abortion, Part III
A Pagan perspective on abortion, part II.
A Pagan perspective on abortion, part I.
In my opinion the strongest argument against abortion shares an insight with those of us who love the other-than-human. Recently a woman sent me an e-mail to that effect. I want to use the points she raised to begin exploring … Read more
The fascinating link between where most stand on abortion and where they stand on environmentalism
Abortion and environmental issues constitute the two major ethical questions of our time. Over at Patheos I just posted why usually people who support environmentalism also support a woman’s right to choose and why people who oppose environmentalism also oppose … Read more
The meaninglessness of the term “free market” in contemporarty political debate
Exploring economic freedom as if freedom and people actually mattered
Powerful TED talk on health, food, and what corporate agriculture is doing to us
I am linking to a powerful TED talk about the state of American food and health. It is particularly revealing at showing the absolute contradiction between putting profit ahead of everything and the complex moral relationships that make up human … Read more