Samhain eve, along with Teo Bishop, Patrick McCollum, Amy Blackthorn and Morgan Copeland, I participated in a discussion about Pagan religion in a live broadcast on HuffPost Live. I think it went very well.
Samhain eve, along with Teo Bishop, Patrick McCollum, Amy Blackthorn and Morgan Copeland, I participated in a discussion about Pagan religion in a live broadcast on HuffPost Live. I think it went very well.
Love to, Im fairly new at this, as you dont have a code for your bennar, I am not sure how to add it to my blog 🙂 If you could let me know, probably just something silly I am
Far as I know you just paste the url into your page/blog. Or use a word as a link, and then paste the url into it. Other than that I dunno.
I still disagree about pigsnaam being capitalized. Paganism isn’t a religion, it’s a loose grouping of widely varied religions, many of which have widely varying theologies and thealogies with basically nothing in common. It’s not a tradition, it’s a great many of them, many of which completely conflict with one another, that are lumped together for purely historical reasons. It’s like saying monotheism should be capitalized. Wicca should be capitalized, and Witchcraft when referring to certain traditions, and Asatru, and Hellenic Reconstructionism, and Kemet, and Discordianism, and whatever else, as those are religions and/or traditions unto themselves. Paganism isn’t, and shouldn’t be. Even the word’s etymology refers, not to religion, but to the countryside, and meant, more or less, hick.
Quakers and Methodists are Christians who are monotheists.
Wiccans are Pagans who are polytheists.
Try reading my book “Pagans and Christians” if you have problems understanding that Paganism is a religion, and then try using the term with respect even if not agreement.